Harry's Today - July 18th 2020


Good Saturday, everyone ...

I've done it. No, actually YOU've done it ... these pages are finally generating a decent amount of traffic. That's awesome ... unfortunately it also means I have hit my "bandwith limit" on "webnode", and have to go from a free to a paid ride. It would be really nice of you if you could help me a little with that ... thank you very much.

p.s. I do plan to move this to my own site eventually, but right now I don't have the time to design / implement the site (that's why I went for webnode in the first place).

Bitcoin (BTC): 17UPtpnRMRvGRKPhKNW8aT6XeaKb3YbXiC
Etherum (ETH): 0xCAa161f3C9e64251fBa8EECE32CA4609439dAeCa
Bitcoin Cash (BCH): bitcoincash:qqh3e0rue08dysr8axc58yarrqg2xza2fcar2gsw9a

Your Body, Their Choice: The Corbett Report

• Rufmord? oder sogar mehr? - der brisante und umstrittene Fall des Stefan Homburg: Dave Brych 

Cornholio Started as a Virus and Turned Into an IQ Test: The Dollar Vigilante
Selling The Second Wave to Extend (Keep) the Lockdowns: thecrowhouse
AMERICA: Would you notice if you lived under tyranny?: reallygraceful
They Want to Kill Six Billion of Us - Here's How They'll Do It: Vernon Coleman
The False-Positive Panic over COVID-19: Neil A. Kurtzman, MD; Mises Wire
How Xi Jinping Took Over the CCP: John Martin
Ten Ways for Libertarians (or Anyone) to Be Happy: Thomas E. Woods, Jr.; misesmedia
Floods Near Historical Levels In China; Chinese Quit CCP; Urumqi City Locked Down For Virus Outbreak: Crossroads
Western Woman BRAINWASHED in Mainland China: serpentza

Becoming Virtually Untraceable (Eps1.0_B4s!c_T3chn1qu3s.onion): z3roTrust; Medium
Earth Rotation Glitches, Volcano, Cosmic Web | S0 News Jul.18.2020: Suspicious0bservers

Corona 104 - Die Pandemie, die keine war: Alles Ausser Mainstream Dr. Bodo Schiffmann
8 Experten gegen den Mainstream! - Thesenpapier 3.0 einfach erklärt: Dave Brych
Hannah Arendt im Gespräch mit Günter Gaus: ArendtKanal
Bodo Schiffmann: Wir sind viele: GD-TV Schwäbisch Gmünd
Steuerzahlergedenktag und Inflation (Freie Bildung für freie Männer 14): eigentümlich frei
Großer Demozug in Stuttgart - Ruf der Trommeln: GD-TV Schwäbisch Gmünd
Fränkische Klinik zieht Corona-Bilanz: Keine Spur von Pandemie: Ralf Dieter; DIE KITZINGE, infranken
Rückruf von Schutzmasken: Viele Produkte bergen "schwerwiegende Risiken": RND; Ruhrnachrichten
Deppen- oder Deckel-Republik?: MMnewsTV
Dr. Daniele Ganser über Angst in der Gesellschaft - Vortrag am Angstfrei Kongress: Dr. DanieleGanser; Gabriel Palacios
Verfassungsgericht stoppt Gender-Gaga -Alternative Nachrichten: eigentümlich frei

Your Body, Their Choice

—The Corbett Report


Recombinant DNA (rDNA) molecules are DNA molecules formed by laboratory methods of genetic recombination (such as molecular cloning) to bring together genetic material from multiple sources, creating sequences that would not otherwise be found in the genome.

—Carrie Madej

The False-Positive Panic over COVID-19

Imagine an articulate chief lemming bragging that not only had his followers jumped off a cliff, but that they had done so in far greater numbers than any other slice of the rodents. This is the position occupied by the US regarding testing for COVID-19.We've done more testing than any other country and bragged a lot about doing so; but no one seems to have survived to give a proper interpretation of the results.

Neil A. Kurtzman, MD; Mises Wire

Ten Ways for Libertarians (or Anyone) to Be Happy

—Thomas E. Woods, Jr.; misesmedia

Becoming Virtually Untraceable (Eps1.0_B4s!c_T3chn1qu3s.onion)

Despite the fact that most of us are not super secret spies that are being tracked by the (insert your preference of badass 3-letter government agency here), a healthy dose of paranoia might not be such a bad thing when considering all of the data breaches to date and those we don't know about or that have yet to occur.

—z3roTrust; Medium

Earth Rotation Glitches, Volcano, Cosmic Web

S0 News Jul.18.2020


Corona 104 - Die Pandemie, die keine war

—Alles Ausser Mainstream Dr. Bodo Schiffmann

Bodo Schiffmann: Wir sind viele

—GD-TV Schwäbisch Gmünd

Fränkische Klinik zieht Corona-Bilanz: Keine Spur von Pandemie

42 Plätze hatte die Klinik ab Ende März in einer eigens eingerichteten Isolierstation bereitgestellt. Das Personal wurde noch einmal extra geschult. Zwischen drei und acht Personen lagen im Schnitt in den Betten. Manchmal auch nur ein Patient, manchmal keiner.

—Ralf Dieter; DIE KITZINGE, infranken

Rückruf von Schutzmasken: Viele Produkte bergen "schwerwiegende Risiken"

Das europäische Schnellwarnsystem RAPEX rät vom Kauf von Schutzmasken verschiedener Hersteller ab. Die Beanstandungsrate liegt derzeit bei 70 Modellen. Diese Masken werden in Deutschland zurückgerufen.

—RND; Ruhrnachrichten

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