Harry's Today - July 5th 2020


Good Sunday, everyone ...

• Starved, murdered, diseases not treated ... 500000 children dead. "Worth it" - Welcome to the mindset of the people who pretend they care to protect you
60 Minutes; 91177info

• Die Covid19 Wahrheit, Kretschmer direkt ins Gesicht gesagt
Prof. Dierich; Gerald Thom

Just a Little Prick (Part One): Vernon Coleman
Just a Little Prick (Part 2): Vernon Coleman
RETRAIN YOUR MIND - Dr. Joe Dispenza's Life Advice Will Change Your Future: MotivationHub
Event 201 Unfolds: COVID-19 Action Platform = Global Government: Derrick Broze; theconsciousresistance
The most logical explanation is that it comes from a laboratory: Birger Sørensen, Aksel Fridstrøm Nyhetsredaktør , Nils August Andresen; Minerva
Ghislaine Maxwell Committed Suicide Next Week, Lockdowns Continue and the Economy Is Destroyed: The Dollar Vigilante
Solar Activity, Climate Forcing, Earth's Magnetic Field | S0 News Jul.5.2020: Suspicious0bservers
Floods, Earthquakes, and Mudslides Hit China; and Why Hong Kong Matters to the World: Crossroads
Why I left China for Good!: serpentza
Nightcore - Blue Beam Project: Zero.Miz-Kun メ Nightcore Records

Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten - Mit einer Maske ist das Virus nicht aufzuhalten: Liberty Media
📛 Streecking Bad: Prof. Hendrik Streeck 🎉 schlägt zurück und bricht das Schweigen!: Archivkanal Dave Brych
Freiheit heißt: Youtube darf löschen und sperren (tamm 103): eigentümlich frei
EVENT 201: Weltbank Insider verrät - Corona ist nur eine weltweite Pandemie Übung: RT; Luna v. Lohwald

Event 201 Unfolds: COVID-19 Action Platform = Global Government

Derrick Broze discusses a recent announcement by the World Health Organization, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Centers for Disease Prevention and Control regarding the Event 201 pandemic exercise and the new COVID Action Platform. What does this mean for liberty?

—Derrick Broze; theconsciousresistance

Nightcore - Blue Beam Project

—Zero.Miz-Kun メ Nightcore Records

Streecking Bad: Prof. Hendrik Streeck schlägt zurück und bricht das Schweigen!

—Archivkanal Dave Brych

The most logical explanation is that it comes from a laboratory

The well-known Norwegian virologist Birger Sørensen and his colleagues have examined the corona virus. They believe it has certain properties which would not evolve naturally. These conclusions are politically controversial, but in this interview he shares the findings behind the headlines.

—Birger Sørensen, Aksel Fridstrøm Nyhetsredaktør , Nils August Andresen; Minerva

Solar Activity, Climate Forcing, Earth's Magnetic Field

S0 News Jul.5.2020


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