Harry's Today - July 9th 2020


Good Thursday, everyone ...

Killing off the Sick: Vernon Coleman (more on democide —H.)

So werden Corona-Kritiker mundtot gemacht (Raphael Bonelli): RPP Institut

Why Hitler Bathed Even More Than You Think - Prof. Jordan Peterson: Jordan Peterson Fan Channel (don't miss this. understand some effects the global Covid-19 brainwashing will have —H.)
How Hitler was Even More Evil Than You Think - Prof. Jordan Peterson: Jordan Peterson Fan Channel (more on understanding the mindset of those destroying the world right now —H.)
Russian goalkeeper, 16, suffers severe burns after struck by lightning: Patrick Sung, John Sinnott, (Video) Noura Abou Zeinab; CNN
Sh*t Government Says: The Corbett Report
Australian PM suspends extradition treaty, extends visas for Hong Kong citizens: Kirsty Needham; Reuters
German exports rebound less than expected in May: Reuters
BOJ offers bleakest view on Japan's regions in over a decade: Leika Kihara; Reuters
Solar Eruption, Extreme Weather, Collapse Risk | S0 News Jul.9.2020: Suspicious0bservers
US Sends Navy "Strike Groups" to South China Sea: China Uncensored
How Could This Device Change the Way We Study Microbes?: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Israel's Retro Space Launch System - The Shavit: Scott Manley
China bridge guardrail crumbles under man's touch; officials warn flooding will last through summer: China in Focus - NTD

Es werden teilweise Straftaten gegen Schüler begangen | Markus Haintz im Interview mit Trish: GD-TV Schwäbisch Gmünd
Reisen und Steuern sparen in Zeiten der Pandemie (Christoph Heuermann im Thekentalk 9): eigentümlich frei
"Ärzte hebeln Maskenpflicht offenbar mit Attesten aus", schreibt t-online laut "Report Mainz": Lehrer MaPhy
Nach Protesten in Belgrad nimmt Vucic Corona-Ausgangssperre zurück: Nau.ch
(sich wehren hilft ! ! ! —H.)
Corona und Afrika und Amerika - Heute mal ein Blick auf die Zahlen: Alles Ausser Mainstream Dr. Bodo Schiffmann
NARRATIVE #9 - Die Manipulation der Wahrnehmung über Angst und Geschichten: OVALmedia
Hayek-Club Köln mit Prof. Dr. Thorsten Polleit "Die EZB auf den Spuren der Reichsbank": Friedrich A. von Hayek-Gesellschaft e.V.
🔥 Zensur: Social Media Plattformen gegen die Meinungsfreiheit!?: Archivkanal Dave Brych
Übernachtungszahlen in Deutschland im Mai um drei Viertel eingebrochen: Reuters
Zum Abschied ein leises "Servus" (Top-Thema AN 443): eigentümlich frei

Killing off the Sick

—Vernon Coleman

How Hitler was Even More Evil Than You Think - Prof. Jordan Peterson

—Jordan Peterson Fan Channel

Jordan, like all academics I am aware of, overlooks the most foundational motivation of all lifeforms: the urge to dominate in propagation. What he talks about here certainly plays an important role, but just like the narrative of a struggle over resources or locations, those are excuses rather than drivers. —Harry

Russian goalkeeper, 16, suffers severe burns after struck by lightning (Video)

—Patrick Sung, John Sinnott, (Video) Noura Abou Zeinab; CNN

Sh*t Government Says

—The Corbett Report

Solar Eruption, Extreme Weather, Collapse Risk

S0 News Jul.9.2020


How Could This Device Change the Way We Study Microbes?

—Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

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